
  • Endang Setianingsih Universitas Soerjo
  • Reni Sulistyawati Universitas Soerjo


Increasing the Role of Woman


This Community Service activity was motivated by social problems in the community of Sambiroto Village, Padas District, Ngawi Regency. The problems include the educational aspect, many children drop out of school; from the health aspect, many residents still ignore the importance of health, this can be seen from the behavior of residents who still defecate openly, even though toilet facilities already exist; From an economic aspect, residents still need a lot of skills to increase family income. This Community Service activity uses the method of direct outreach and discussion with PKK members, aiming to increase understanding about the important role of women in development. With the combination of methods used, it is hoped that the residents of Sambiroto Village, Padas District, Ngawi Regency will not only gain knowledge, but it can also directly solve a problem in the fields of education, health and economics.

This Community Service activity uses the method of direct outreach and discussion with PKK members, aiming to increase understanding about the important role of women in development. With the combination of methods used, it is hoped that the residents of Sambiroto Village, Padas District, Ngawi Regency will not only gain knowledge, but it can also directly solve a problem in the fields of education, health and economics.

The results and impact of this activity are expected to build and increase community knowledge and understanding of the important role of women in creating a healthy and prosperous family. This activity is also in accordance with the program objectives of Increasing the Role of Women in creating healthy and prosperous families. namely the realization of family and prosperity, so that community welfare is achieved, and in the future it is hoped that it can have a positive effect on family life.



How to Cite

Setianingsih, E., & Sulistyawati, R. (2023). PENINGKATAN PERANAN WANITA MENUJU KELUARGA SEHAT DAN SEJAHTERA. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Dedikasi Soerjo, 1(1), 18–21. Retrieved from